Online resources to accompany the McCrea & Morgan text


Surveys, data collection and population modelling techniques

Richard Griffiths and Rachel McCrea

Environmental i-Net Workshop - 9th December 2014

This workshop was run as part of the Environmental Innovation Network project run by the University of Kent, managed by Emma Lansdell.


Introduction: slides

Introduction to capture-mark-recapture models for population assessment: slides

Demonstration of capture-mark-recapture models using Program Mark: data

Estimating detectability in population assessments: slides

Occupancy modelling of great crested newts: slides

Demonstration of occupancy modelling using Program Presence: data

Application of depletion modelling to herpotological translocations: slides

Introduction to population vibility analysis: slides

Demonstration of great crested newt PVA with Program RAMAS

Metapopulation viability analysis of great crested newts - a case study: slides

A short biography of the speakers can be found here
